Fiber Sensors and devices
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos, Th. Vasileiadis, V. Dracopoulos, G. Kakarantzas, S. N. Yannopoulos, "Soft glass film deposition in silica solid and hollow core photonic crystal fiber", in proced. of SPIE Photoninc West 2013.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, "Formation of PDMS films inside the holes of silica photonic crystal fibers" in proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, "Modeling of photonic crystal fiber with polymer inclusions", in proceeding of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012.
- Christos Markos, Spyros N. Yannopoulos and Kyriakos Vlachos, "Chalcogenide glass layers in silica photonic crystal fibers", OSA Optics Express Vol. 20 Issue 14, pp.14814-14824 (2012).
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, "Numerical investigation of a hybrid polymer/silica photonic crystal fiber: guiding and thermal properties", OSA Optical Materials Express, Vol. 2 Issue 7, pp.929-941 (2012).a
- Christos Markos, Wu Yuan, Kyriakos Vlachos, Graham E. Town, and Ole Bang, "Label-free biosensing with high sensitivity in dual-core microstructured polymer optical fibers" OSA Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 7790-7798, April 2011.
- C. Markos, G. Kakarantzas and K. Vlachos, “Bending Loss and Thermo-Optic Effect of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber”, OSA Optics Exress, vol 18, no.23, pp. 24344 - 24351, Nov. 2010.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Guiding and Birefringent Properties of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber” in SPIE proceeding of Fiber Lasers VIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, Vol. 7914, 791427-1, Photonic West, 22 - 27 January 2011, San Francisco, California, USA.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Thermo-optic effect of an index-guiding photonic crystal fiber with elastomer inclusions” in proceeding of Optical Fiber Sensors conference, Ottawa 2011.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, "Partial power recovery of bend-induced loss using a hybrid index-guiding photonic crystal fiber", in proceed of CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich 2011.
- G. Kakarantzas, A. Diez, J. L. Cruz, C. Markos, M. V. Andrés, K. Vlachos, "Direct Bragg grating writing in a hybrid PDMS/Silica photonic crystal fiber" n proceed of CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich 2011.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Bend Measurements of a Photonic Crystal Fiber with Elastomer Inclusions”, 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Nanophotonics, MediNano-3, 18-19 October 2010, Belgrade, Serbia.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Hybrid Index‐Guiding Photonic Crystal Fiber with Tunable Birefringence”, XXVI PanHellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, September 26 - 29 2010, Ioannina, Greece.
- C. Markos, K. G. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Fibre-optic based pressure micro-sensor”, in proced. of 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Nanophotonics, MEDINANO-2, vol. 1, pp. 1-3, Athens, Greece. poster presentation.
- C. Markos, K.G. Vlachos, G. Kakarantzas, “Fibre-optic interferometric pressure sensor based on droplet-shaped PDMS elastomer”, ICO-Photonics conference, 5-6, October Delphi 2009.
- Fotini Karinou and Kyriakos Vlachos, “A Broadband ONU Design Using A Semiconductor Optical Amplifier-Based Optical Loop Mirror”, in proceedings of OFC/NFOEC 2009, San Diego, CA 2009.
Converged Optical-Wireless Network Architectures
- Kostas Ramantas, Kyriakos Vlachos, Georgios Ellinas, and Antonis Hadjiantonis, "A Converged Optical Wireless Architecture for Mobile Backhaul Networks" in proceed. of ONDM 2013.
- Kostas Ramantas, Kyriakos Vlachos, Georgios Ellinas, and Antonis Hadjiantonis, " Efficient Resource Management via Dynamic Bandwidth Sharing in a WDM-PON Ring-Based Architecture, in proceed. of ICTON 2012.
Optical Interconnects and Coherent Systems
- F. Karinou, R. Borkowski, I. Roudas, I. Tafur Monroy, and K. Vlachos, "Performance Evaluation of a HPC Rack-To-Rack Optical Interconnect Using NRZ-DPSK modulation" in proceed. of ECOC 2012.
- Fotini Karinou, Robert Borkowski, Darko Zibar, Ioannis Roudas, Kyriakos Vlachos, and Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, "Advanced Modulation Techniques for High Performance Computing Optical Interconnects", IEEE J. in Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. PP, no.99, December 2012.
- Fotini Karinou, Ioannis Roudas, Kyriakos G. Vlachos, B. Roe Hemenway, and Richard R. Grzybowski, "Influence of Transmission Impairments on the OSMOSIS HPC Optical Interconnect Architecture", IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 21, pp. 3167 - 3177, 2011.
- F. Karinou, I. Roudas, K. Vlachos, B. R. Hemenway, and R. R. Grzybowski, "Performance Assessment of an Optimized Optical Supercomputer Interconnect Architecture", in proceedings of OFC/NFOEC 2011.
- F. Karinou, I. Roudas, K. Vlachos, C. S. Petrou, Α. Vgenis and B. R. Hemenway, “Wavelength-space permutation switch with coherent PDM QPSK transmission for supercomputer optical interconnects”, in proceedings of OFC/NFOEC 2010.
Impairement Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment
- Demetris Monoyios and Kyriakos Vlachos, “Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA) for solving the Impairment Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment (IA-RWA) problem”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol 3, no.1, pp40-47, January 2011.
- Yixuan Qin, Yvan Pointurier, Eduard Escalona, Siamak Azodolmolky, Marianna Angelou, Ioannis Tomkos, Kostas Ramantas, Kyriakos Vlachos, Reza Nejabati and Dimitra Simeonidou, “Hardware Accelerated Impairment Aware Control Plane”, in proceeding of OFC 2010.
- Siamak Azodolmolky, Dimitrios Klonidis, Ioannis Tomkos, Yabin Ye, Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Elio Salvadori, Matthias Gunkel, Kostas Manousakis, Kyriakos Vlachos, Emmanouel Manos Varvarigos, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou, Michael Eiselt, Jaume Comellas, Josep Solé-Pareta, Christian Simonneau, Dominique Bayart, Dimitri Staessens, Didier Colle, and Mario Pickavet, “A Dynamic Impairment Aware Networking Solution for Transparent Mesh Optical Networks”, IEEE Communication Magazine, Volume 47, Issue 5, May 2009 Page(s): 38 – 47.
- A. Teixeira, L. Costa, G. Franzl, S. Azodolmolky, I. Tomkos, K. Vlachos, S. Zsigmond, T. Cinkler, G. T. Beleffi, P. Gravey, J. A. Lazaro, C. Vazquez, J. Montalvo, E. L. Rouzic, “An Integrated View on Dynamic Monitoring and Compensation for Optical Networks: From Management to Physical Layer”, Springer J. of Photonic Network Communication, Volume 18, Number 2, pp. 191-210, October, 2009.
- Demetris Monoyios, Kyriakos Vlachos, Marianna Aggelou, and Ioannis Tomkos, “On the use of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms for solving the Impairment Aware-RWA problem”, in proceed. of ICC 2009, Page(s):1 – 6, 14-18 June 2009.
- Demetris Monoyios and Kyriakos Vlachios, “On the use of genetic algorithms for solving the RWA problem employing the maximum quantity of edge disjoint paths”, in Proceed. of ICTON, 22-26, Volume 3, Page(s):154 – 157, June 2008 .
Optical Burst Switching
- Kostas Ramantas and Kyriakos Vlachos “A TCP specific profiling and prediction scheme for performance optimization in OBS networks”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Vol. 3, Iss. 12, pp. 924–936 (2011),
- Nail Akar, Ezhan Karasan, Kyriakos Vlachos, Manos Varvarigos, Davide Careglio, Miroslaw Klinkowski, Josep Solé-Pareta, “A survey of quality of service differentiation mechanisms for optical burst switching networks”, Elsevier J. of Optical Switching and Networking, volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 1-11, January 2010,
- Oscar González, Anna Maria Guidotti, Carla Raffaelli, Kostas Ramantas, Kyriakos Vlachos, “On transmission control protocol synchronization in optical burst switching”, Springer, J. of Photonic Network Communication, Volume 18 Number 3, is pp. 323 - 333, March 2009.
- Kyriakos Vlachos and Demetris Monoyios, “A Virtual One-Way Signaling Protocol With Aggressive Resource Reservation for Improving Burst Transmission Delay”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave technology, Volume 27, Issue 14, pp. 2869 – 2875, July15, 2009.
- Kostas Ramantas, Kyriakos Vlachos, Óscar González de Dios, Javier Aracil and Carla Raffaelli, “Window-based burst assembly scheme for TCP Traffic over OBS ”, OSA J. Optical Networks, vol. 7, Iss. 5, pp. 487-495, May 2008.
- Kyriakos Vlachos , “Optical Burst Switching: Current trends and Future Research Issues”, (peer review), Encyclopedia of Internet Techonlogues and Applications 2008 pp. 375 - 382.
- K. Christodoulopoulos, E. Varvarigos, and K. Vlachos, “A new Burst Assembly Scheme based on the Average Packet Delay and its Performance for TCP Traffic”, Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 4, Issues 3-4, November 2007, Pages 200-212.
- K. Christodoulopoulos, K. Vlachos, L. Stampoulidis, E. Kehayas, and E.A. Varvarigos “EBRP: A hybrid signaling protocol for efficient burst-level reservations and QoS differentiation in OBS networks” Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 147-158 (March 2006).
- J. Aracil, N. Akar, S. Bjornstad, M. Casoni, K. Christodoulopoulos, D. Careglio, J. Fdez-Palacios, C. Gauger, O. Gonzalez de Dios, G. Hu, E. Karasan, M. Klinkowskif, D. Morato, R. Nejabati, H. Overby, C. Raffaelli, D. Simeonidou, N. Stolc, G. Tosi-Beleffi, K. Vlachos, “Research in Optical Burst Switching with in the E-Photon/ONe Network of Excellence”, Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching & Networks, Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2007, Pages 1-19.
- Kostas Ramantas and Kyriakos Vlachos, “A TCP prediction scheme for enhancing performance in OBS networks”, to appear in proceedings of IEEE ICC 2011.
- Franz Rock, Kostas Ramantas, Erich Leitgeb and Kyriakos Vlachos, “A hybrid signaling protocol for enhancing performance of OBS networks”, to appear in proceedings of IEEE ONDM 2011.
- Kostas Ramantas and Kyriakos Vlachos “Profiling TCP traffic in Optical Burst Switching networks”, to appear in ICST Broadnets 2010.
- Kostas Ramantas and Kyriakos Vlachos , “A combined TCP aware scheduling and assembly scheme for OBS networks”, in proceeding of Broadnets 2009, Madrid, Spain vol. 1, pp. 1-6.
- Kostas Ramantas, Tito Raúl Vargas, Juan Carlos Guerri and Kyriakos Vlachos, “A preemptive scheduling scheme for flexible QoS provisioning in OBS networks”, in proceeding of 6 th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, IEEE BROADNETS 2009, Madrid, Spain vol. 1, pp. 1-8.
- Nikos Korkakakis and Kyriakos Vlachos, “'An Adaptive Burst Assembly scheme for OBS-GRID networks'”, 6th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CNSDSP 2008, Page(s): 414 - 417, 23-25 July, 2008.
- Demetris Monoyios and Kyriakos Vlachos “Emulating lossless, one-way signaling protocols in OBS networks with traffic prediction”, International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, ONDM 2008, Page(s):1 – 6, 12-14 March 2008.
- Kyriakos Vlachos , “Burstification effect on the TCP Synchronization and Congestion Window mechanism” in proceeding of International Workshop On Optical Burst Switching (WOBS 2007), vol. 1, pp. 1-5, Raleigh, NC, Sept. 2007.
- Kostas Ramantas , Kyriakos Vlachos , Ó scar Gonz á lez de Dios and Carla Raffaelli , “TCP traffic analysis for timer-based burstifiers”, in proceeding of ONDM 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 176-185, Volume 4534/2007.
- Javiel Aracil, Kyriakos Vlachos and Manos Varvarigos, “Jitter-Based Analysis and Discussion of Burst Assembly Algorithms, Workshop on Optical Burst Switching", WOBS 2006 (invited talk).
- K. Yiannopoulos, K. Vlachos, E. Varvarigos, “Multiple-Input Buffer and Shared Buffer Architectures for Asynchronous Optical Burst Switching Networks” to appear in Proc. of ICC 2007.
- J. Aracil, S. Bjørnstad, M. Casoni, K. Christodoulopoulos, J. Fdez-Palacios, C. Gauger, O. Gonzalez, G. Hu, E. Karasan, M. Klinkowski, D. Morato, R. Nejabati, H. Øverby, C. Raffaelli, D. Simeonidou, J. Sole-Pareta, N. Stol, G. Tosi-Beleffi and K. Vlachos, “The research agenda in Optical Burst Switching in e-Photon/One”, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), vol. 1, pp. 164-164, June 18-22, 2006, Nottingham, UK.
- Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Kostas Yiannopoulos and Emmanuel A. Varvarigos, “Relaxing Delayed Reservations: An approach for Quality of Service differentiation in Optical Burst Switching networks”, IEEE International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, in proceedings of BROADNETS, vol.1, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2006, San Jose, CA, USA.
(presentation available
Service aware optical networks and testbeds
- Apostolis Siokis and Kyriakos Vlachos, "A Self-Organized, Service-Oriented GMPLS Optical Network Testbed", in proceed. of 8th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, TRIDENTCOM 2012.
- Kyriakos Vlachos and Apostolos Siokis, “A Service-Transparent and Self-Organized Optical Network Architecture”, in proceed. of ICC 2009, Page(s):1 – 6, 14-18 June 2009.
Hybrid Switching Networks
- Kyriakos Vlachos and Kostas Ramantas “A non-competing OBS / OCS Hybrid Switch Architecture for QoS Differentiation”, Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networks, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 177-187, Oct. 2008.
- Kyriakos Vlachos , Erik Van Breusegem, K. Christodoulopoulos, Didier Colle, K. Ramantas and Piet Demeester, “Constrained and Unconstrained Overspill Routing in Optical Networks: A Detailed Performance Evaluation”, Springer/Klwver Journal of Photonic Network Communications, vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 227 – 240, June 2007.
- Kostas Ramantas, Kostas Christodoulopoulos , Kyriakos Vlachos , Erik Van Breusegem and Mario Pickavet, “SLIP-IN Architecture: A new Hybrid Optical Switching Scheme”, IEEE International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, in proceedings of BROADNETS, vol.1, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2006, San Jose, CA, USA.
- K. Christodoulopoulos, E. Van Breusegem, K. Vlachos, M. Pickavet, E. Varvarigos and D. Colle “Performance Evaluation of Overspill Routing in Optical Networks”, in proceedings of International Conference on Communications, ICC 2006 .
Optical Packet Switching and Buffering
- Kyriakos Vlachos , Carla Raffaelli, Slavisa Aleksic, Nicola Andriolli, Dimitris Apostolopoulos, Hercules Avramopoulos, Didier Erasme, Dimitris Klonidis, Martin Nordal Petersen, Mirco Scaffardi, Karsten Schulze, Maria Spiropoulou, Stelios Sygletos, Ioannis Tomkos, Carmen Vazquez, Olga Zouraraki, Fabio Neri, “Photonic in Switching: Enabling Technologies and Subsystem Design”, OSA J. on Optical Networking, Vol. 8 Issue 5, pp. 404-428 (2009).
- Hassan Teimoori, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Cedric Ware, Dimitrios Petrantonakis, Leontios Stampoulidis, Hercules Avramopoulos and Didier Erasme “Optical logic gate aided packet switching in transparent optical networks”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave technology, Vol. 26 Issue 16, pp.2848-2856 (2008).
- Carla Raffaelli, Kyriakos Vlachos, Nicola Andriolli, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Jakob Buron, Ruth van Caenegem, Grzegorz Danilewicz, Jorge M. Finochietto, Joan Garcia-Haro, Dimitrios Klonidis, Mike O’Mahony, Guido Maier, Achille Pattavina, Pablo Pavon-Marino, Sarah Ruepp, Michele Savi, Mirco Scaffardi, Ioannis Tomkos, Anna Tzanakaki, Lena Wosinska, Olga Zouraraki and Fabio Neri, “Photonics in Switching: Architectures, Systems and enabling Technologies”, Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 52, Issue 10, Pages 1873-1890, July 2008.
- Ruth Van Caenegem, Didier Colle, Mario Pickavet, Piet Demeester, Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Emmanuel Varvarigos, Leontios Stampoulidis, Diego Roccato and Ruth Vilar, “The design of an all-optical packet-switching network”, IEEE Comm. Magazine, volume 45, no. 11, 52-61, November 2007.
- Kostas Yiannopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos and Emmanouel Varvarigos, “Multiple-Input Buffer and Shared Buffer Architectures for Optical Packet and Burst Switching Networks”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave technology, Vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1379 – 1389, June 2007.
- K. Manousakis, V. Sourlas, L. Stampoulidis, K. Vlachos, E.A. Varvarigos, “A link capacity monitoring mechanism, suitable for traffic engineering and QoS routing by enhancing SNMP to record bandwidth reservations”, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 14, No. 4 , pp. 583-597, Dec., 2006.
- E. Kehayas, K. Vyrsokinos, L. Stampoulidis, K. Christodoulopoulos, K. Vlachos, and H. Avramopoulos “ARTEMIS: A 40 Gb/s All-Optical Self-Routing Node and Network Architecture employing Asynchronous Bit and Packet-Level Optical Signal Processing”, IEEE/OSA ournal of Lightwave Technology, vol.24, no.8, pp.2967-2977, Aug. 2006.
- G. Theophilopoulos, M. Kalyvas, K. Yiannopoulos, K. Vlachos, E. Varvarigos and H. Avramopoulos. “An alternative implementation technique for the scheduling switch architecture”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 732 -739, Feb. 2005.
- K. Vlachos , C. Bintjas, and E. Varvarigos, “Performance Evaluation of an optically interconnected “Scheduling” Switch network for Pareto traffic” OSA Journal on Optical Networking, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 760-768. Nov. 2004.
- K. Vlachos , I.T. Monroy, A.M.J. Koonen, C. Peucheret and P. Jeppesen “STOLAS: Switching Technologies for Optical Label Signals”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 43-49, Nov ember 2003.
- K . Vlachos , J. Zhang , J . Cheyns , Sulur , N . Chi , E . Van Breusegem , I . Monroy , J . G . L . Jennen , P . V . Holm - Nielsen , C . Peucheret , R . O ’ Dowd , P . Demeester , A . M. J. Koonen, “ An Optical FSK / IM coding technique for the implementation of a label controled , AWG - based Optical Packet Router ”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology special issue on Optical Networks , vol .21, no .11, pp . 2617-2628, November 2003.
- Hassan Teimoori, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Cedric Ware, Dimitrios Petrantonakis, Leontios Stampoulidis, Hercules Avramopoulos and Didier Erasme, “Physical architectures for packet-switching network nodes based on non-linear logic gates”, 6th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CNSDSP 2008, Page(s): 676 – 679, 23-25 July, 2008.
- Kyriakos Vlachos , Wojciech Kabacinski, Slawomir Weclewski, “New Optical Packet Switch architectures using wavelength-selective elements”, in proceed. of IEEE HSPR 2008, pp. 1-8, June 2008.
- Maria Spyropoulou, Konstantinos Yiannopoulos, Stelios Sygletos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Ioannis Tomkos, “160 Gbps Simulation of a Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Based Optical Buffer” in proceeding of ONDM 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4534/2007, Pages 107-116.
- O. Zouraraki, D. Petrantonakis, K. Yiannopoulos, R. Meleiro, L. M. Sadeghioon, A. Poustie, G. Maxwell, E. Varvarigos, K. Vlachos, P. Monteiro, D. Simeonidou and H. Avramopoulos “Optically-Addressable Packet Timeslot Interchanger Using a Quadruple Switch Array” , IEEE proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2007, Anaheim, USA.
- Konstantinos Yiannopoulos, Kyriakos Vlachos and Emmanuel (Manos) Varvarigos, “An Architecture for Almost All-Optical Nodes Based on Wavelength Converters”, 5th Internation Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP, Rio 2006.
- F. Callegati, J. Aracil, L. Wosinska, N. Andriolli, D. Careglio, A. Giorgetti, J. Fdez-Palacios, C. Gauger, O. Gonzales de Dios, G. Hu, E. Karasan, F. Matera, H. Øverby, C. Raffaelli, L. Rea, N. Sengezer, M. Tornatore , K. Vlachos, “Research on Optical Core Networks in the e-Photon/ONe Network of Excellence”, IEEE INFOCOM High-Speed Networking Workshop, 2006.
- L. Stampoulidis, E. Kehayas, K. Vyrsokinos, K. Christodoulopoulos, D. Tsiokos, P. Bakopoulos, G.T. Kaneloos, K. Vlachos, E.A. Varvarigos, and H. Avramopoulos “ARTEMIS: A 40 Gb/s All-Optical Self-Router using Asynchronous Bit and Packet-Level Optical Signal Processing”, vol.4, pp. 2035 – 2040, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM 2005, 28 Nov.-2 Dec.St. Louis, USA.
- K. Vlachos , K. Seklou and E. Varvarigos “Performance Evaluation of an Optical Packet “Scheduling Switch”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM 2004, vol. 3, Pages:1857 - 1861, Dallas TX, 2004.
- K. Vyrsokinos, K. Christodoulopoulos, E. Kehayas, L. Stampoulidis, K. Vlachos, E. A. Varvarigos and H. Avramopoulos, “ARTEMIS: A New Architecture for All-Optical Asynchronous Self-Routing Network with Efficient Contention Protection and QoS Differentiation”, IEEE proceedings of 31st European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) SECC, Glasgow 2005.
- K. Vlachos , J. Jennen, Yonglin Yu and R. O’Dowd, “Optical FSK implementation using widely tunable GCSR laser” paper CC1T, IEEE Conference on Laser and Electro Optics 2003, pp.1-2.
- Y. Yu, R. O'Dowd, J. Jennen and K. Vlachos, “Timing Control Implications for Widely Tunable Lasers in Stacked Optical Labelling”, IEEE proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Annual conference, vol. 1, Page(s): 53 –54, 2002.
Fiber lasers
- V. Zarikas and K. Vlachos, “Theoretical Analysis of an optically mode-locked Semiconductor Fiber Ring Laser” Elsevier J. of Optics Communication, vol. 263, Issue 2, Pages 239-248, 15 July 2006.
- A. Hatziefremidis, G. Theophilopoulos and K. Vlachos “A 50 GHz, ultrastable, polarization maintaining semiconductor fibre ring laser”, SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, vol. 44, no. 6, (064206), Jun. 2005.
- K . Vlachos , Chris Bintjas , Nikos Pleros and Hercules Avramopoulos , "Ultrafast, Semiconductor-based Fiber Laser Sources”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics , vol . 10, no . 1, pp . 147-154, January / February 2004.
- N. Pleros, T. Houbavlis, G. Theophilopoulos, K. Vlachos, C. Bintjas and H. Avramopoulos, “SOA-based multi-wavelength laser sources” (invited) to appear in Fiber & Integrated Optics, A Taylor & Francis Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 263-274, July/August 2004.
- K . Vlachos and H . Avramopoulos , “23 channel with 100- GHz spacing multi - wavelength laser source ” SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering , vol .42, no .2, pp . 300-301, Febr . 2003.
- K . Vlachos, T . Koonen , G . Theophilopoulos and H . Avramopoulos , “23 Wavelength with 100 GHz Spacing Comb Generator Source ”, Journal of Optical and Quantum Electronics , Kluwer Academic Publishers , vol . 35, no . 9, pp . 865-872, July 2003.
- K. Vlachos , K. Zoiros, T. Houbavlis and H. Avramopoulos, “10x30 GHz pulse train generation from semiconductor amplifier fiber ring laser”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 214-216, January 2000.
- K. Zoiros, T. Stathopoulos, K. Vlachos, A. Hatziefremidis, T. Houbavlis, T. Papakyriakopoulos and H. Avramopoulos, “Experimental and theoretical studies of a high repetition rate fiber laser, mode-locked by external optical modulation”, Elsevier Journal of Optics Communication 180, pp. 301-316, 2000.
- T. Papakyriakopoulos, K. Vlachos, A. Hatziefremidis and H. Avramopoulos, “20 GHz broadly tunable and stable mode-locked semiconductor amplifier fiber ring laser”, Optics Letters, Vol. 24, No. 17, pp. 1209-1211, 1999.
- K. Vlachos , N. Pleros, H. Avramopoulos, L. Occhi and G. Guekos “Multi-wavelength oscillation of an uncoated SOA-based fiber ring laser”, paper CL4-3-THU, IEEE Conference on Laser and Electro Optics 2003, pp.1-2.
- K. Vlachos , Ton. Koonen and H. Avramopoulos “20 channels simultaneous oscillation from a semiconductor fibre laser”, IEEE proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Annual conference 2002. Vol. 2, Page(s): 566 –567, 2002.
- N. Pleros, C. Bintjas, M. Kalyvas, G. Theofilopoulos, K. Vlachos and H. Avramopoulos, "50 channel at 50 GHz spacing multi-wavelength laser source”, Vol. 3, Page(s): 410–411, IEEE proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication 2001.
- K. Zoiros, T. Stathopoulos, K. Vlachos, A. Hatziefremidis, T. Houbavlis, T. Papakyriakopoulos and H. Avramopoulos, “Numerical modeling of a high repetition rate fiber laser. Mode-locked by external optical modulation of a semiconductor optical amplifier” IFIP, 4th Optical Network Design and Modelling Conference, pp. 84-95, 2000.
- K. Vlachos , K. Zoiros, T. Houbavlis and H. Avramopoulos “10 Simultaneously Mode-locked and Synchronized Channels at 30 GHz from Fiber Ring Laser”, Page(s): 344-346 vol.2, IEEE proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2000, Baltimore, USA.
- K. Zoiros, K. Vlachos, T. Stathopoulos, C. Bintjas and H. Avramopoulos, “40 GHz Mode-locked SOA Fiber Ring Laser with 20 nm Tuning Range”, Page(s): 254 -256 vol.1, IEEE proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2000, Baltimore, USA.
- A. Hatziefremidis, G. Theophilopoulos, K. Vlachos, K. Zoiros and H. Avramopoulos “A Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Laser System for Polarized Electron Generation for the MIT – Bates Accelerator”, International conference on Polarized Sources and Targets, vol. 1, Pages 255-257, Germany 1999.
Optical Signal Processing
- T. Houbavlis, K.E. Zoiros, M. Kalyvas, G. Theophilopoulos, C. Bintjas, K. Yiannopoulos, N. Pleros, K. Vlachos, H. Avramopoulos, L. Schares, L. Occhi, G. Guekos, J.R. Taylor, S. Hansmann, W. Miller, “All-Optical Signal Processing and Applications Within the Esprit Project DO-ALL”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 781 -801, Feb. 2005.
- N. Pleros, C. Bintjas, G. T. Kanellos, K. Vlachos, H. Avramopoulos and G. Guekos, “Recipe for Amplitude Modulation Reduction in SOA-based Interferometric Switches” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 2834-2841, Dec. 2004.
- K. Yiannopoulos, K. Vyrsokinos, E. Kehayas, N. Pleros, K. Vlachos, H. Avramopoulos and G. Guekos, “Rate Multiplication by Double-Passing Fabry-Perot Filtering” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.15, no. 9. pp. 1294 -1296, September 2003.
- N. Pleros, K. Vyrsokinos, C. Bintjas, K. Yiannopoulos, K. Vlachos, H. Avramopoulos and G. Guekos “All-optical clock recovery from short, asynchronous data packets at 10 Gbps” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.15, no. 9, pp. 1291 -1293, September 2003.
- K . Vlachos , N . Pleros , C . Bintjas , G . Theophilopoulos and H . Avramopoulos , “ Ultrafast Time Domain Technology and its application in All - Optical Signal Processing ”, ( invited ), IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol .21, no .9, pp . 1857-1868, September 2003.
- K. Vlachos, “Optical Clock Recovery and Clock Division using a tunable Semiconductor Fibre Ring Laser”, Elsevier Journal of Optics Communications vol. 222, pp. 249-255, July 2003.
- C. Bintzas, K. Vlachos, N. Pleros and H. Avramopoulos, “Ultrafast Nonlinear Interferometer (UNI)-based digital optical circuits and their use in packet switching”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology special issue on Optical Networks, vol.21, no.11, pp. 2629-2637, November 2003.
- K. Vlachos , G. Theophilopoulos, A. Hatziefremidis and H. Avramopoulos, “30 Gbps All-Optical, Clock Recovery Circuit”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 705-707, 2000.
- T. Papakyriakopoulos, K. Vlachos, A. Hatziefremidis and H. Avramopoulos, “Optical clock repetition-rate multiplier for high-speed digital optical logic circuits”, Optics Letters, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 717-719, 1999.
- Τ . Houbavlis, K. Zoiros, K. Vlachos, T. Papakyriakopoulos, H Avramopoulos, F. Girardin, G. Guekos, R. Dall’Ara, S. Hansmann and H. Burkhard, “All – Optical XOR in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier – Assisted Fiber Sagnac Gate”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 11, No.3, pp. 334-336, 1999.
- K. Vlachos , G. Theophilopoulos, A. Hatziefremidis, H. Avramopoulos “30 Gb/s, Broadly Tunable, All-Optical, Clock Recovery Circuit”, Page(s): 223-225 vol.3, IEEE proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2000, Baltimore, USA.
- K. Vlachos , K. Zoiros, T. Houbavlis, A. Hatziefremidis and H. Avramopoulos, “Missing pieces in the puzzle of ultra-high speed all-optical logic”, (invited), IEEE proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Annual conference 1999, Page(s): 768–769, vol.2, San Francisco, California, USA.
- T. Papakyriakopoulos, K. Vlachos, A. Hatziefremidis, H. Avramopoulos, “Optical clock repetition rate multiplier”, IEEE proceedings of Conference on Laser and Electro Optics 1999, paper CTuK18, Page(s): 121-122, Baltimore, USA.
- K. Vlachos , T. Papakyriakopoulos, T. Houbavlis, M. Kalyvas and H. Avramopoulos. “Optical clock recovery and clock division circuit”, Pages 414-415, IEEE proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication 99, Nice France.
- K. Zoiros, T. Houbavlis, K. Vlachos, H. Avramopoulos, F. Girardin, G. Guekos, S. Hansmann, H. Burkhard, “10 GHz boolean XOR with semiconductor optical amplifier fiber Sagnac gate”, Page(s): 379 –380, IEEE proceedings of Conference on Laser and Electro Optics 1999, CThF5, Baltimore, USA.
Network Processors
- K. Vlachos , T. Orphanoudakis, Y. Papaeftathiou, N. Nikolaou, D. Pnevmatikatos, G. Konstantoulakis and J.A. Sanchez-P, “Design and performance evaluation of a programmable Packet Processing Engine (PPE) suitable for high-speed network processors units”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 31, Issue 3, 1 May 2007, Pages 188-199.
- I. Papaefstathiou, S. Perissakis, T. Orphanoudakis, N. Nikolaou, G. Konstantoulakis, G. Kornaros, D. Pnevmatikatos, N. Zervos and K. Vlachos “PRO3: A hybrid NPU-architecture”, IEEE micro, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 20-33, Sept.-Oct. 2004.
- Y. Papaefstathiou, K. Vlachos, N. Nikolaou, N. Zervos and V. Lawrence, “Packet processing acceleration with a 3-stage programmable pipeline engine”, IEEE Communications Letters, v ol. 8, no. 3, pp. 183-185, March 2004.
- I. Sourdis, D. Pnevmatikatos and K. Vlachos, “An Efficient and Low-Cost Input/Output Subsystem for Network Processors” IEEE Computer society, Design and Test of Computers Magazine, vol.20, no.4, pp. 56-64, July/August 2003.
- K. Vlachos, “A novel Network Processor for security applications in high speed data networks”, Bell-Labs Tech. Journal, vol. 8, no. 1., pp. 131-149, Febr. 2003.
- G. Lykakis, N. Mouratidis, K. Vlachos, N. Nikolaou, S. Perissakis, G. Sourdis, G. Konstantoulakis, D. Pnevmatikatos and D. Reisis, “Efficient Field Processing Cores in an Innovative Protocol Processor System-on-Chip” IEEE proceedings of Design, Automation & Test in Europe conference 2003, Page(s): 14 -19.
- K. Vlachos , N. Nikolaou, T. Orphanoudakis, S. Perissakis, D. Pnevmatikatos, G. Kornaros, J.S. Sanchez and G. Konstantoulakis, “Processing and scheduling components in an innovative network processor architecture”, IEEE proceedings of 16th International Conference on VLSI design, 2003, Page(s): 195 -201.
Broadband Regulation
- S. Polykalas and K. Vlachos, “Broadband penetration versus Broadband competition: Evidence and Analysis from the EU market”, info Journal, Emerald Insight, Vol 8 No 6, pp. 1-15, Oct. 2006.
Traffic Analysis
- Nikos Korkakakis and Kyriakos Vlachos, "Building Wireless Metropolitan Networks", The Conference for International Synergy in Energy, Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education, Piraeus, Greece, 15 - 18 September 2010.
- C. Kattirtzis, E. Varvarigos, K. Vlachos, G. Stathakopoulos and M. Paraskevas, ”Analyzing Traffic across the Greek School Network” vol.1, pp.1-6, 14 th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, IEEE LANMAN 2005.
Book Chapters
- Grid Optical Burst Switched Networks ( GOBS ) contributed to Global Grid Forum , draft - ggf - ghpn - GOBS -0, June 2005.
D. Simeonidou , R . Nejabati , L . Battestilli , P . Demeester , M . De Leenheer , B . Dhoedt , G . Karmous - Edwards , K - I Kitayama , Masafumi , H . Onaka , Y . Sun , A . Tzanakaki , E . Varvarigos , K . Vlachos and L . Valcarenghi. - “Optical Burst Switching: Current trends and Future Research Issues”, Encyclopedia of Internet Techonlogues and Applications.
- Optical Burst Switching, in Enabling optical Internet with advanced technologies, by Springer Verlag 2009
- Optical Switch Fabrics (OSFs) and Their Application in Enabling optical Internet with advanced technologies, by Springer Verlag 2009.
- Novel Switch Architectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5412/2009, 133-160.
Jiajia Chen, Grzegorz Danilewicz, Wojciech Kabaciński (chapter editor), Janusz Kleban, Maria Spyropoulou, Ioannis Tomkos, Emanuel Varvarigos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Sławomir Węclewski, Lena Wosinska and Konstantinos Yiannopoulos.
- Method and apparatus for receiving frequency modulated signals on an intensity modulated optical carrier
(USPTO 20050265732) - Optical device for extracting a sideband signal from a composite signal including orthogonally modulated signals
(USPTO 20050238363)Three more patents have been filed by Lucent Technologies filed numbers : JNL 216-B-020007, JNL 216-B-020008, JNL 216-B-020009, JNL 216-B-020010, JNL 216-B-020012.